• Implementing Of Training Programs

    Engineering Economics
    Faculty of Engineering- Ain shams University
    Scope of work
    1. Time Value of money.
    2. Economic feasibility Vs. Financial feasibility.
    3. Cash flows.
    4. Financial statements.
    5. Financial indicators e.g., IRR, ROE, ROI and NPV.
    6. Using excel to develop financial feasibility study from scratch.
    June 25, 2024
  • Implementing Of Training Programs

    Economics Of Renewable Energy
    Faculty of Engineering- Ain shams University
    Scope of work
    1. Economic dispatch.
    2. Unit Commitment.
    3. Spot Market.
    4. Marginal prices.
    5. Zonal Marginal Prices.
    6. Impact of integrating intermittent resources on energy and capacity markets.
    June 25, 2024
  • Power System Inertia Response Under High Integration Of Intermittent Resources

    National and Renewable Energy Authority and The Egyptian Electricity Regulatory Agency
    Scope of work
    1. Stability of the power system.
    2. Concept of inertia in the power system.
    3. Impact of low inertia power system on the stability of the system.
    4. Virtual inertia.
    June 25, 2024
  • Economics Of Renewable Energy Under Competitive Market Environment

    National and Renewable Energy Authority
    Scope of work
    1. Economic dispatch.
    2. Unit Commitment.
    3. Spot Market.
    4. Marginal prices.
    5. Zonal Marginal Prices.
    6. Impact of integrating intermittent resources on energy and capacity markets.
    June 25, 2024
  • Power System Aspects Of Integrating PV Projects To The National Grid

    Alexandria Distribution Company
    Scope of work
    1. Dynamic user defined models of PV inverters.
    2. Transient and Dynamic response of the PV power plants.
    3. Power quality aspects of the PV power Plants.
    4. P-Q capability Curve of the inverters.
    June 25, 2024
  • Power System Aspects Of Integrating PV Projects To The National Grid

    South Delta Distribution Company
    Scope of work
    1. Dynamic user defined models of PV inverters.
    2. Transient and Dynamic response of the PV power plants.
    3. Power quality aspects of the PV power Plants.
    4. P-Q capability Curve of the inverters.
    June 25, 2024