• Technical Assistance to the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)

    SOFRECO Consulting
    Scope of work
    • Using Antares simulator to propose generation expansion plan for the electricity sector. This includes providing insights and details in:
    1. Scenarios selections.
    2. New technologies.
    3. Demand projections.
    4. Energy modelling using Antares Simulator software.
    • The scope of work also included implementing and intensive capacity building program for the Renewable Energy Authority professionals on usage of Antares model and know-how of building up scenarios and on the economics of Renewable energy.
    August 31, 2024
  • Support the Technical and Financial Sustainability of EE and RE sectors

    DAI Human Dynamics
    Scope of work
    • Contributing to the update of the energy strategy in Egypt considering new technologies, adopted policies and new prices. This includes:
    1. Data collection and data verification.
    2. Building up scenarios for future including projected demands, CO2 emissions, and integration of RE
    3. Recommendations on energy policies.
    4. Training on short term planning (Power system operation) and its impact on the long-term planing.
    5. Integrating new technologies in Egypt e.g., Green Hydrogen, Electric mobility, and water desalination.
    June 24, 2024
  • Assessment and Review of the Feed-In Tariff in Sudan

    Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
    Scope of work
    Review and analyse the feed-in tariff rates in Sudan for renewable energy technologies considering market updates and include recommendation and roadmap for future implementation.
    June 24, 2024
  • Promoting the generation of Electricity from Wind Energy

    Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
    Scope of work
    Developing the legal and regulatory framework in Sudan to promote the private investments in the field of renewable energy generation.
    June 24, 2024
  • Catalysing the Use of Solar Photovoltaic Energy in Iraq

    Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
    Scope of work
    1. Developing Net-metering financial modelling.
    2. Developing the technical requirements for connecting PV power plants to national grid.
    3. Perform Capacity Building Programs for Iraqi staff on the technicalities of integrating PV power plants to national grid.
    June 24, 2024